Latest California Healthline Stories
Minneapolis Police Injured Protesters With Rubber Bullets. The City Has Taken Little Action.
A year after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis while in police custody, there is scant evidence the city has changed how its police officers use less-lethal weapons or strengthened its oversight. Instead, it may be a study in stymied reform, unenforced policies and a lack of transparency.
Colorado Lawmakers Wage Multifront Assault on High Drug Costs
Colorado is one of many states resolved not to wait for federal action to reduce drug costs. Its legislature is considering several ways to lower costs for consumers and the state.
Legisladores de Colorado se posicionan contra los altos costos de los medicamentos
Incapaz de fijar los precios o cambiar las protecciones de las patentes, el estado considera medidas legislativas y administrativas para reducir los gastos de bolsillo delos consumidores.
KHN Journalists Comment on Abortion Case, Wasted Covid Doses
KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
Colorado Will Pay Hospitals to Close Expensive Free-Standing ERs
The state, concerned about the high cost of care at these stand-alone facilities, is offering hospitals more Medicaid money if they convert them to other uses, such as primary care or mental health centers.
Seed Money: Black Entrepreneurs Hope Pandemic Gardening Boom Will Grow Healthier Eating
Rapper DJ Cavem Moetavation is pushing beats and beets. A vegan, he’s selling seeds to encourage more people to eat healthier by growing their own food. His efforts are part of a national movement of Black-owned seed companies that merges pandemic-inspired gardening with efforts to expand healthier food options.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Drug Price Effort Hits a Snag
Democratic leaders in Congress have vowed to pass legislation to address high prescription drug prices this year, but some moderates in their own party appear to be balking. Meanwhile, younger teens are now eligible for a covid-19 vaccine and the Biden administration reinstated anti-discrimination policy for LGBTQ people in health care. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet and Rachel Cohrs of Stat join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.
You’ve Added Your Kids to Your Health Plan. What About Mom?
A bill in the California legislature would require state-regulated health plans to cover policyholders’ dependent parents. Advocates say the measure would reduce the number of uninsured people, while business groups warn of premium increases.
Another Pandemic ‘To Do’ on the List for Schools: Contact Tracing
Struggling to keep up with a covid-19 surge in Michigan, overwhelmed health departments relied on an unlikely new crew of contact tracers: school principals.
Has agregado a tus hijos a tu plan de salud. ¿Y tu mamá?
Un proyecto de ley en California exigiría que los planes de salud regulados por el estado cubran a los padres dependientes de los asegurados. Según activistas, la medida reduciría el número de personas sin seguro; pero grupos empresariales advierten sobre el aumento de las primas.