Latest California Healthline Stories
Vaccine Ramp-Up Squeezes Covid Testing and Tracing
The ability of California health officials to multitask in a pandemic will be severely tested as they scramble to find staff for vaccination sites while maintaining testing and contact tracing.
Estados permiten contratar profesionales de salud extranjeros por la pandemia
Colorado, Massachusetts, Nevada, Nueva Jersey y Nueva York han adaptado sus normas para que profesionales de salud con formación internacional presten sus servicios durante la pandemia.
Yurts, Igloos and Pop-Up Domes: How Safe Is ‘Outside’ Restaurant Dining This Winter?
All kinds of new structures are popping up to extend the outdoor dining season. Some are safer than others.
Door to Door in Miami’s Little Havana to Build Trust in Testing, Vaccination
It’s time-consuming but worthwhile: Residents respond to messages about Covid testing and vaccines when outreach teams speak their language and make a personal connection.
De puerta en puerta para crear confianza en las vacunas contra covid en la Pequeña Habana
Varias razones sociales y económicas hacen que sea difícil para algunos residentes de Miami hacerse la prueba o recibir tratamiento, o aislarse si están enfermos de covid.
Carpas, iglús, domos: ¿cuán seguro es comer al aire libre este invierno?
Los propietarios recurren a estas opciones como un salvavidas para ayudar a llenar algunas mesas, y tener al menos la posibilidad de ofrecer una experiencia gastronómica más segura.
Biden Takes the Reins, Calls for a United Front Against Covid and Other Threats
On health care, President Joe Biden made it clear that combating the covid-19 pandemic will be his top priority. “We must set aside politics and finally face this pandemic as one nation,” he said. “We will get through this together.”
Patients Fend for Themselves to Access Highly Touted Covid Antibody Treatments
Months after President Donald Trump credited monoclonal antibody therapy for his quick recovery from covid-19, only a trickle of the product has found its way into regular people. While hundreds of thousands of vials sit unused, sick patients who might benefit from early treatment have been left on their own to vie for access.
Biden’s Covid Challenge: 100 Million Vaccinations in the First 100 Days. It Won’t Be Easy.
But keeping campaign promises regarding the nation’s covid response will go beyond stepping up the rollout of the vaccines.
Biden prometió 100 millones de vacunas de covid en 100 días. No será fácil de cumplir
Está en la naturaleza de los presidentes hacer promesas. Kennedy prometió enviar un hombre a la luna y lo cumplió. Distribuir 100 millones de vacunas parece más difícil.