Latest California Healthline Stories
With No Legal Guardrails for Patients, Ambulances Drive Surprise Medical Billing
Studies show that at least half of ground ambulance rides across the nation leave patients with “surprise” medical bills. And a $300-a-mile ride is not unusual. Yet federal legislation to stem what’s known as balance billing has largely ignored ambulance costs.
Making Gyms Safer: Why the Virus Is Less Likely to Spread There Than in a Bar
Gyms are reopening with fewer people and more protocols, and they want to rehabilitate their pandemic-battered image. Although there’s not much evidence, they say science is on their side.
‘Terrible Role-Modeling’: California Lawmakers Flout Pandemic Etiquette
As California workers and schoolchildren struggled to work from home, state lawmakers met in person. And as their legislative session came to a close in late August, they broke COVID rules: They huddled, let their masks slip below their noses, removed their masks to drink coffee — and required a new mom to vote in person while toting her hungry newborn.
Hospitals, Nursing Homes Fail to Separate COVID Patients, Putting Others at Risk
COVID patients have been commingled with uninfected patients in California, Florida, New Jersey, Iowa, Ohio, Maryland, New York and beyond. While officials have penalized nursing homes for such failures, hospitals have seen less scrutiny.
Obamacare Co-Ops Down From 23 to Final ‘3 Little Miracles’
Once there were 23 of these nonprofit plans across 26 states; in January there will be only three, serving Maine, Wisconsin, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.
Exercise and Diet Are More Important Than Ever With Virus at Large
“The Quarantine 15” — weight gain due to inactivity during the pandemic — is a real phenomenon. Here are some ways to fight it.
Altered Mindsets: Marijuana Is Making Its Mark on Ballots in Red States
Voters in Montana and several other conservative-leaning states will decide in November whether to legalize medical or recreational marijuana.
Ejercicio y dieta son más importantes que nunca en tiempos de coronavirus
En tiempos de COVID, el desafío es doble: proteger nuestra salud, incluyendo nuestro sistema inmunológico, mientras se lucha contra las tentaciones poco saludables.
Will Labor Day Weekend Bring Another Holiday COVID Surge? Jury’s Out.
Epidemiologists are having a hard time predicting whether Labor Day will be like the Fourth of July and Memorial Day, when celebrations fanned the flames in coronavirus hot spots around the South and West.
Behind The Byline: ‘At Least I Got the Shot’
Check out KHN’s video series — Behind the Byline: How the Story Got Made. Come along as journalists and producers offer an insider’s view of health care coverage that does not quit.