Si hay pólipos, muchos pacientes pueden no calificar para colonoscopías gratis
La situación puede cambiar si durante este exámen preventivo se detecta un pólipo y el médico decide extraerlo. Que establecen la ley de salud y el Medicare al respecto.
After Polyps Are Detected, Patients May No Longer Qualify For Free Colonoscopies
While the federal health law made insurers cover the full cost of screening colonoscopies, consumers with a history of polyps who need more frequent tests may have to pick up some costs.
When You Need A Breast Screening, Should You Get A 3-D Mammogram?
The newer images are more expensive, but it’s not yet clear if they are more effective in catching cancers that will kill.
¿Son necesarias las mamografías en tres dimensiones?
Cada vez más centros de imágenes ofrecen esta alternativa, en vez de la mamografía tradicional. Sin embargo, expertos sugieren no recomendarlas ampliamente todavía.
VA Clears The Air On Talking To Patients Using Pot
Officials want clinicians to discuss how use of medical marijuana could interact with other parts of their care.
Terrifying Brush With Death Drives Doctor To Fight For Patients
Dr. Rana Awdish was completing a fellowship in critical care when she became critically ill herself. Now, she helps other doctors understand the patient’s perspective.
Bonus Tucked Into GOP Tax Bill For Those Aiming To Deduct Medical Expenses
The House sought to eliminate the tax deduction, generally used by people with serious illnesses or those who need long-term care services but it was eventually restored in the final bill — and expanded.
No Sweeteners Added To Tax Bill To Spread Use Of Health Savings Accounts
These accounts are exempt from taxes and linked to high-deductible health plans. Republicans tried last summer in their unsuccessful efforts to replace the health law to make the accounts more enticing for consumers, but they didn’t make those changes in the current tax bill.
Your Plumber Offers A Money-Back Guarantee. Should Your Doctor?
Even though consumers don’t expect to pay for faulty service or goods, they are often forced to pay for bad health care. But a small number of hospitals and doctors are seeking to change that practice.
Parents Are Not Liable For Medical Debts Of Adult Children On Shared Insurance
Even though the federal health law allows young adults to stay on their parents’ plan, those children are generally responsible for their own debts.