Latest California Healthline Stories
¿Hay una forma normal de envejecer?, científicos lo explican década por década
Hay procesos biológicos y cambios en el organismo vinculados a la edad, que forman parte de lo que los geriatras consideran un envejecimiento normal.
Is There Such A Thing As Normal Aging?
Our experts track the signs of normal aging from ages 50 to 100 — and there are some surprises.
Adultos mayores toman muchas vitaminas, aunque no está demostrado que funcionan
Decenas de estudios han ofrecido “resultados prometedores”, pero nunca pruebas científicas contundentes que muestren que los suplementos vitamínicos previenen enfermedades.
Older Americans Are Hooked On Vitamins Despite Scarce Evidence They Work
Sixty-eight percent of those 65 and older take vitamin supplements. Much of what we once believed about the benefits is wrong.
‘Scary’ Lung Disease Now Afflicts More Women Than Men In U.S.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), linked to long-term smoking, has traditionally been considered a men’s disease. But data show it is now more prevalent among women — in large part because they embraced smoking much later than men did.
Scrutinizing Medicare Coverage For Physical, Occupational And Speech Therapy
Treatment has been terminated for some seniors because therapists told them they weren’t making enough progress or that they had reached their annual limit. We examine the treatment benefits and the barriers under Medicare’s coverage rules for therapy.
Lifting Therapy Caps Is A Load Off Medicare Patients’ Shoulders
Last month’s budget deal means Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for physical and occupational therapy indefinitely. Plus, prescription drug costs will fall for more seniors.
Black Men’s Blood Pressure Is Cut Along With Their Hair
A new study shows that educational sessions about high blood pressure at African American barbershops, coupled with prescribing and helping to manage medication, reduced hypertension rates significantly.
Barberos logran cortar el pelo… y la presión arterial de sus clientes
Un estudio en Los Angeles comprobó que los barberos pueden jugar un rol crítico, ayudando a sus clientes a bajar su presión arterial entre charlas de salón y cortes de estilo.
Jury’s In: Opioids Are Not Better Than Other Medicines For Chronic Pain
A new study followed patients with severe chronic pain for a year and found that opioids relieved pain and increased function no better than common drugs like acetaminophen and lidocaine. But the opioids carry the risk of more serious side effects, including addiction and death.