Latest California Healthline Stories
Barr Says Police Didn’t Use Chemical Irritants To Clear Area By DC Church. They Did.
The attorney general’s assertion is directly at odds with the description of pepper balls offered by the manufacturer.
The Coronavirus, The Congressman And Me
When four KHN reporters were possibly exposed to COVID-19, they tried to take preventive steps. But even for health care journalists, getting tested for the virus ― and figuring out what to do next — is an uphill task.
Sobering Up: In An Alcohol-Soaked Nation, More Seek Booze-Free Social Spaces
A national trend of boozeless bars is cropping up nationwide to create social spaces without the hangovers, DUIs and alcoholism culture. It’s part of a new push for sober options.
Crowded Shelters And The Vicious Flu Brew Perfect Storm For The Homeless
Although homeless shelters provide lifesaving protection from the winter’s cold, they also act as incubators for diseases like influenza.
Mom’s Policy, Medicaid Or A Health Exchange Plan: What’s A Grad To Do?
The federal health law has opened up new options for young adults, but it can sometimes be confusing. A quick guide to the choices.