Latest California Healthline Stories
Republicans Race The Clock On Health Care — But The Calendar Is Not Helping
The delays in pushing through a bill to replace Obamacare are beginning to back up other key items on the congressional calendar.
¿Quién cuidará de Abril si nos deportan? Padres temen por sus hijos discapacitados
Cada vez más los padres indocumentados que tienen hijos con discapacidades severas consultan a abogados y médicos con una pregunta angustiante: cómo evitar la deportación para seguir cuidando de sus niños.
Who Will Care For Abril? Parents Fear For Their Disabled Child If They Are Deported
Anticipating a broader immigration crackdown, undocumented families are hiring lawyers and scrambling to make contingency plans for their seriously ill U.S.-born kids.
Por miedo a la deportación, niños sin papeles pueden abandonar el Medicaid
Desde que California permitió por ley que niños indocumentados recibieran servicios completos del Medi-Cal, se inscribieron cerca de 190,000. Con el clima político actual, defensores temen que los padres no los reinscriban por miedo a las deportaciones.
Trump Says He Knows About Health Care, But Some Of His Facts Seem Alternative
In two interviews this week, the president reveals some surprising views of health policy.
Fearing Deportation, Parents Worry About Enrolling Undocumented Kids In Medi-Cal
A 2016 California law allowed children without papers to sign up for full Medi-Cal benefits. More than 189,000 children have been covered, but some families now fear renewing coverage or signing up their kids for the first time.
The Potential Price Of Party Loyalty
Will some of California’s GOP members of Congress suffer at the polls because they supported an Obamacare replacement bill that could harm many of their constituents? California Healthline’s Emily Bazar discussed the topic on Southern California’s KCRW radio.
Proyecto de salud republicano: 5 discusiones para seguir de cerca
Después de semanas de tensiones, la Cámara de Representantes logró votar el jueves 4 de mayo su propuesta de ley para reemplazar la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible por un apretado voto de 217-213. Pero la batalla no termina aquí…
Blue Shield CEO Says GOP’s ‘Flawed’ Health Bill Would Harm Sicker Consumers
CEO Paul Markovich said he opposes the Republican plan because it would allow insurers to once again discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. “We are better than that,” he said.
Trump’s Vow To Squeeze ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Could Play Havoc With Health Programs In California
Local health officials in California and elsewhere are bracing for the potential impact of a Trump administration policy that would stop federal funding to jurisdictions that don’t enforce federal immigration laws.