Daily Edition for Monday, January 8, 2024
Malpractice premiums, gun law, the covid and flu surge, soda taxes, AI tools, mental health, the spending deal, and more are in the news.
Malpractice Premiums Price Small Clinics Out of Gender-Affirming Care for Minors
By Cecilia Nowell
Even in states where laws protect minors’ access to gender-affirming care, malpractice insurance premiums are keeping small and independent clinics from treating patients.
There’s a New Covid-19 Variant and Cases Are Ticking Up. What Do You Need to Know?
By Julie Appleby
The covid-19 virus is continually changing, and a recent subvariant, the JN.1, is rapidly climbing the charts.
Hay una nueva variante de covid-19 y aumentan los casos. Lo que necesitas saber
By Julie Appleby
A nivel nacional, se ha registrado un marcado aumento en las visitas a salas de emergencia y hospitalizaciones por covid-19, influenza y el virus respiratorio sincitial.
Daily Edition for Friday, January 5, 2024
Masks, covid cases, TB treatment, gun violence, flu, weight-loss drugs, prescription costs, and more are in the news.
Listen to ‘Tradeoffs’: How the Loss of a Rural Hospital Compounds the Collapse of Care
Six years ago, the hospital in Fort Scott, Kansas, shuttered, leaving residents in the small community without a cornerstone health care institution. In the years since, despite new programs meant to save small hospitals, dozens of other communities have watched theirs close.
Older Americans Say They Feel Trapped in Medicare Advantage Plans
By Sarah Jane Tribble
As enrollment in private Medicare Advantage plans grows, so do concerns about how well the insurance works, including from those who say they have become trapped in the private plans as their health declines.
Adultos mayores se sienten “atrapados” en planes de Medicare Advantage
By Sarah Jane Tribble
Al parecer el programa de planes privados para adultos mayores comienza a presentar obstáculos cuando surgen enfermedades.
KFF Health News' 'What the Health?': New Year, Same Abortion Debate
Some Supreme Court justices were wrong if they assumed overturning “Roe v. Wade” would settle the abortion issue before the high court. At least two cases are awaiting consideration, and more are in the legal pipeline. Meanwhile, Congress once again has only days until the next temporary spending bill runs out, with no budget deal in sight. Lauren Weber of The Washington Post, Shefali Luthra of The 19th, and Victoria Knight of Axios join KFF Health News chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also this week, Rovner interviews Sandro Galea, dean of the Boston University School of Public Health, about how public health can regain public trust.
Most People Dropped in Medicaid ‘Unwinding’ Never Tried to Renew Coverage, Utah Finds
By Phil Galewitz
Medicaid officials in Utah conducted a survey to answer a burning question in health policy: What happened to people dropped from the program in the post-pandemic “unwinding”?