Latest California Healthline Stories
Trump quiere $291 millones para erradicar el VIH en el país, pero no ayudará a África
Una de estas acciones es el recorte de $1.35 mil millones del Plan de Emergencia del Presidente para el Alivio del SIDA, dinero que en mayor parte se usa en Africa.
Military Doctors In Crosshairs Of A Budget Battle
Details of the reductions have not yet been announced, but in 2017 Congress ordered mandated changes to make the military health system more efficient.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
As Hospitals Post Price Lists, Consumers Are Asked To Check Up On Them
Most hospitals appear to be complying with the federal rule to post their prices online. Yet there is little follow-up by the government or industry and debate continues about whether the price lists are creating more confusion than clarity among consumers.
Americans Cross Border Into Mexico To Buy Insulin At A Fraction Of U.S. Cost
For one patient, a three-month supply of insulin is $3,700 in the U.S. versus $600 in Mexico. But is it legal?
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
Watch: Big Week For Drug Pricing Debate Featured On C-SPAN
KHN correspondent Emmarie Huetteman appeared on the C-SPAN program “Washington Journal,” where she fielded viewers’ calls about high drug prices and industry criticism.
Readers And Tweeters Give Free Consultation On Health Care System’s Ills
Kaiser Health News and California Healthline give readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Americans Ready To Crack Down On Drug Prices That Force Some To Skip Doses
In a new poll, consumers give thumbs up to ads that display drug prices and the removal of barriers to generics, among other cost-cutting measures.
¡Miau-ch! Le cobran $48,152 por una droga contra la rabia
Una bióloga de Florida, amante de los animales, quiso alimentar a un gato callejero. Lo que siguió fue una pesadilla de gastos médicos inesperados.