Latest California Healthline Stories
Death By 1,000 Cuts: How Republicans Can Still Alter Your Coverage
There are many ways beyond legislative repeal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to unravel the Affordable Care Act.
GOP Has No Choice But To Keep Pushing Health Care Rock Up The Hill
The White House continues to look for a policy “win” while members of the House are concerned about heading home for the spring recess where they could “get hammered” for not fulfilling their promise to repeal Obamacare.
While Washington Fiddles, California Leaders Forge Ideas For Universal Health Care
But it could take years to achieve coverage for everyone – if it happens at all.
Where There’s Willingness, There’s A Way For Congress And Trump To Fix Health Law
After the collapse of the Republican replacement plan, there may be a way to find consensus and repair the law.
The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Exchange enrollees and insurers fret over a lawsuit that could end federal help with copays and deductibles.
Insurers May Notch Bigger Profits From Fewer Customers In ‘Trumpcare’
As Congress and the White House try to strike a bargain on an Obamacare repeal plan, the insurance industry likes what it’s seeing.
Popular Guarantee For Young Adults’ Coverage May Be Health Law’s Achilles’ Heel
Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but both parties want to keep the health law’s provision to allow adults to stay on their parents’ plan until age 26. But that could be hurting the marketplace’s insurance pools.
Late Move To Dump ‘Essential’ Benefits Could Strand Chronically Ill
Republicans seek lower cost and more choice for health insurance sold to individuals, but cutting coverage standards could leave fewer comprehensive plans, analysts say.
How Millennials Win And Lose Under The GOP Health Bill
The cost of insurance could go down for people ages 26 to 29 under the GOP plan. But will they buy it without a mandate?
In Deep-Blue State, Millions in Reddish Heartland Are Counting On Medicaid
The prospect of cutbacks has led to agitation and activism in California’s largely agricultural Central Valley, with relatively high poverty rates and a significant number of Trump voters.