Latest California Healthline Stories
Hoping To Control Health Costs, California Lawmaker Targets Prescription Drug Coupons
Proposed state legislation would ban drugmakers from issuing coupons to lower patients’ copayments if a cheaper, FDA-approved medication is available.
Women Fear Drug They Used To Halt Puberty Led To Health Problems
Despite questions about Lupron’s lasting side effects and minimal study into its safety, the FDA sped approval of the drug to market. Years later, some young women are still living with the consequences.
Trying To Solve The Alzheimer’s Puzzle
Alzheimer’s researchers hold onto hope after another promising trial ends in disappointment.
Getting Patients Hooked On An Opioid Overdose Antidote, Then Raising The Price
The device, known as an Evzio, administers just enough naloxone to stabilize someone who has overdosed on drugs. But its manufacturer, Kaleo, may be positioning itself to find profits in a dire health care crisis.
Sky-High Prices For Orphan Drugs Slam American Families And Insurers
Orphan drugs for rare diseases have helped or saved hundreds of thousands of patients like 2-year-old Luke Whitbeck, but families and insurers are picking up the astronomical cost.
Una investigación de Kaiser Health News analiza las acciones de compañias farmacéuticas para manipular los precios de medicamentos huérfanos, utilizados para tratar enfermedades raras.
Drugmakers Manipulate Orphan Drug Rules To Create Prized Monopolies
Drugmakers have brought almost 450 orphan drugs to market and collected rich incentives but nearly a third of those products aren’t new or were repurposed multiple times, an investigation shows.
Follow the twists and turns of the orphan drug industry over the past three decades.
Video: Former U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman Shares Deep Concerns About Orphan Drugs
The former Congressman championed the Orphan Drug Act decades ago but now he fears it’s being manipulated to make money.
Video Highlights: Obama’s Farewell: I’ll Support ‘Demonstrably Better’ ACA Replacement
President Barack Obama recounted his health care accomplishments in his farewell address to the nation Tuesday night.