Latest California Healthline Stories
It’s Not Just Insulin: Lawmakers Focus on Price of One Drug, While Others Rise Too
While insulin is the poster child for outrageous prescription costs, patients are paying ever more to treat depression, asthma, HIV, cholesterol and more. And the pandemic has overtaken efforts to force the issue in Congress.
Signs of an ‘October Vaccine Surprise’ Alarm Career Scientists
President Donald Trump has the legal power to authorize a COVID vaccine over the objections of the Food and Drug Administration and vaccine manufacturers. Such a move could further erode public trust in a vaccine and foist an unsafe shot on Americans.
Señales de una “vacuna sorpresa en octubre” alarma a científicos de carrera
El presidente Donald Trump, que parece decidido a anunciar una vacuna para COVID-19 antes de las elecciones, podría autorizarla legalmente a pesar de las objeciones.
Election Gift for Florida? Trump Poised to Approve Drug Imports From Canada
The Trump administration is primed to approve a plan designed to help lower costs of some prescription drugs by allowing states to import them from Canada. The announcement could come before Election Day, and Florida appears to be in line to go first.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: It’s Scandal Week
President Donald Trump this week issued a prescription drug pricing order unlikely to lower drug prices, and he contradicted comments by his director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the need for mask-wearing and predictions for vaccine availability. Meanwhile, scandals erupted at the CDC, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Food and Drug Administration. And the number of people without health insurance grew in 2019, reported the Census Bureau, even while the economy soared. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Tami Luhby of CNN and Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss this and more. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists recommend their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.
COVID Vaccine Trials Move at Warp Speed, But Recruiting Black Volunteers Takes Time
The National Institutes of Health has suggested minorities should be overrepresented in COVID-19 vaccine trials — perhaps at rates that are double their percentage of the U.S. population. But efforts to recruit patients from racial minority groups are just beginning, while some trials have already advanced to phase 3.
NIH ‘Very Concerned’ About Serious Side Effect in Coronavirus Vaccine Trial
The AstraZeneca trial is on hold in the U.S. as scientists try to unravel whether a rare neurological condition is linked to the vaccine. But regulators are frustrated by a lack of information from the drugmaker.
Los NIH, “muy preocupados” por efectos secundarios en ensayo de vacuna para COVID
La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos está evaluando la posibilidad de seguir a los reguladores británicos y reanudar el ensayo de la vacuna. Pero hay dudas.
Fauci Says COVID Vaccine Trials Could End Early If Results Are Overwhelming
The nation’s top infectious disease official is confident that an independent panel will base vaccine approval on science, not politics.
Fauci dice que una vacuna contra COVID podría estar lista antes de lo esperado
El experto en enfermedades infecciosas de más alto rango en el país dice que esto podría ocurrir si los ensayos clínicos en curso producen resultados abrumadoramente positivos.