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More Resources — Check These Fact Checks From Previous Trump Health Care Claims
Here’s a sampling of recent fact checks related to some of the health care claims made during President Donald Trump’s Feb. 4 State of the Union speech.
On Drug Pricing, The President’s Numbers Are Still Off
We checked again. The data has not changed.
Watch: Let’s Talk About Trump’s Health Care Policies
KHN’s Shefali Luthra examines the president’s talking points on a range of topics — from insurance coverage, access to care and affordability issues to preexisting condition protections and prescription drug costs.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Warren Is Right. Presidents Have The Power To Bypass Congress On Drug Pricing.
But like all of health care, it’s complicated.
5 Things To Know About Trump’s Medicaid Block Grant Plan
Federal officials unveiled guidance for states that want to opt out of some of the current funding program and instead seek a fixed payment to gain more flexibility.
A Guide To Following The Health Debate In The 2020 Elections
As the Democratic primary campaign nears pivotal voting, important aspects of health care policy are being overlooked.
Elecciones 2020: guía para seguir el debate de salud
Precios, tipo de cobertura, formas de acceder a la atención, son algunos de los temas que ya están dominando el debate en este año electoral.
Trump’s Latest Health Care Challenge: Gaining Voters’ Trust
The president, who has repeatedly pledged to improve health care and lower prescription drug prices, faces disapproval from a majority of Americans on his policies regarding drug costs, protecting people with preexisting conditions and the Affordable Care Act.
Call For FDA To Withdraw Preterm Birth Drug Divides Doctors and Insurers
A study ordered by the Food and Drug Administration failed to prove that Makena, the only drug approved to prevent premature birth, is effective. While a panel of experts has recommended withdrawing the drug’s approval, many doctors are wary.