Latest California Healthline Stories
US Military Says National Security Depends on ‘Forever Chemicals’
PFAS chemicals are found in hundreds of products and weapons used by the U.S. military. Defense Department officials say a blanket ban on these man-made substances would threaten military readiness.
It’s Getting Harder to Find Long-Term Residential Behavioral Health Treatment for Kids
Intermountain Residential in Montana is one of the only facilities in the United States that offer long-term residential behavioral treatment for kids as young as four. Now, administrators say they’re not sure how long it can keep its doors open.
How Lawmakers in Texas and Florida Undermine Covid Vaccination Efforts
State legislatures and politicians are pressuring public health officials to keep quiet about covid vaccines.
Legisladores de Texas, Florida y otros estados socavan esfuerzos de vacunación contra covid
El cambio en la información sobre salud sigue la retórica de políticos, principalmente republicanos, que han dado marcha atrás en sus posturas sobre las vacunas de covid.
A New RSV Shot Could Help Protect Babies This Winter — If They Can Get It in Time
Supply problems, a high price tag, and bureaucratic obstacles are slowing the distribution of a therapy that can protect infants from the respiratory syncytial virus. That will leave them unnecessarily at risk of hospitalization this winter, pediatricians fear.
Ohio votó a favor del aborto. Podrían seguir otros 11 estados el próximo año
El impulso para llevar el polémico tema a los votantes llega después de la serie de victorias en las votaciones del año pasado a favor del derecho al aborto en seis estados: California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana y Vermont.
Ohio Voted on Abortion. Next Year, 11 More States Might, Too.
Ohio is the latest state where voters have directly weighed in on abortion, and the next wave of such ballot measures is in the works in at least 11 other states, including Missouri.
US to Cover HIV Prevention Drugs for Older Americans to Stem Spread of the Virus
The government has proposed that Medicare fully cover preexposure prophylaxis drugs that prevent HIV, a change that could help America catch up with nations in Europe and Africa that are on track to end new infections decades before the U.S. under its current approach.
What I Learned From the World’s Last Smallpox Patient
Declaring victory over a disease can be easier than meeting survivors’ needs.
Prevención del VIH: proponen que Medicare cubra PrEP para adultos mayores
Según el plan de la administración Biden, Medicare cubriría el costo total de los medicamentos de profilaxis previa a la exposición, que previenen la transmisión del VIH.