Latest California Healthline Stories
Can Transparency Tools Further the ACA’s Goals of Reducing Costs?
While the Affordable Care Act aims to reduce health care costs and make coverage more affordable for U.S. residents, research suggests that consumer concerns about costs linger and have caused some to delay needed care. Price transparency tools could be key to the equation.
Why States Using the Federal Exchange Are Unlikely To Run Their Own
Few states using the federal insurance exchange seem willing to establish their own marketplace. That’s even in light of a Supreme Court case that could nullify subsidies for consumers purchasing health insurance through, as well as cost such states billions of dollars in assistance and economic gains.
One of the most-publicized tax effects of the Affordable Care Act involves subsidies that many U.S. residents received to help them purchase insurance. But that’s not the only change: Tucked within the thousands of pages that make up the ACA are a number of other tax implications.
Rural School-Based Health Centers Increasing in Central Valley
Partially in response to changes in the Affordable Care Act, Livingston High School will be the first school in Merced County to open an on-site community clinic.
Blue Shield Lost Its Tax Exemption Last Year. Who’s Next?
After 75 years, Blue Shield of California is tax-exempt no more. With a slew of bills and audits underway across the nation, experts say to expect further scrutiny of not-for-profit insurers and hospitals — and possibly, a wave of other health care organizations losing tax-exempt status, too.
Are State Innovation Waivers the Future of Health Care Reform?
Some experts say that state innovation waivers, which will be available in 2017 under a provision of the Affordable Care Act, could move health reform efforts forward — particularly in states that have been reluctant to support the law. Are such waivers the future of health reform, or, as critics contend, a slippery slope that could weaken the ACA?
The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Americans get access to health insurance. It’s credited with lowering the nation’s uninsured rate to record lows. But what promises has the law failed to keep?
Five Years of California Health Reform: ‘A Tremendous Designed Experiment’
The Affordable Care Act was signed into law five years ago today. The anniversary takes on special significance in California, the first state to form an ACA insurance exchange, where reforms have transformed the delivery of care for one-third of the state.
Medicare, ACA Have Faced Similar Criticism. But Is That Where the Comparison Ends?
Just like the Affordable Care Act, Medicare went through some growing pains when it started 50 years ago. Does Medicare’s origin say anything about the future of the ACA?
Report Urges Statewide Standards for Indigent Care in California
A new report from Health Access urges state policymakers to adopt more statewide standards for indigent care to improve California’s safety-net system which varies widely from county to county.