Latest California Healthline Stories
Cities, Counties Helping Covered California
Along with thousands of people hired to help Californians enroll for health insurance in the new statewide marketplace, some city and county governments are joining the effort “because it’s the right thing to do.”
Obamacare Mandates: Why the Fairness Debate Doesn’t Matter
In a “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” interview, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius found herself unable to rebuff the host’s frequent questions about whether it is fair to delay the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate but not its individual mandate. Health experts have weighed in, but is such a debate necessary at this point?
Should Obamacare Be Delayed — And More to the Point, Can It?
Mounting problems with the federal health insurance exchange have sparked widespread concern, and even supporters of the ACA are turning critical. Experts weigh in on whether the individual mandate and other elements of Obamacare should, or even can, be delayed if the problems persist.
What Covered California Did Right in Week One — and What Other States Did Better
It was a bumpy debut for Covered California, as the state’s health insurance exchange launched last week with long wait times and a glitch-filled website. How did the Golden State grade out?
Stanislaus County ACO Shows Remarkable Results in Four Key Benchmark Metrics
From emergency department visits to length of hospital stays, a number of higher-quality, lower-cost metrics have borne fruit in a new patient-centered accountable care program in the Central Valley.
It’s More Than an Emergency: Calif. Among States Seeking To Expand EMS Care
A trend of expanding Emergency Medical Services workers’ responsibilities is catching on across the U.S., as state officials look for ways to supplement Obamacare with smaller scale efforts to close care gaps and reduce spending. California is hoping to launch several of these programs by next summer, though there are barriers to entry.
The fanfare in Sacramento will be loud and long this week for the opening of the Covered California health benefit exchange. Events are planned statewide.
California Raced To ‘Set the Pace’ on Obamacare Implementation. Did it Pay Off?
Golden State leaders vowed to lead the nation when implementing health reform. On the verge of the ACA rollout, did they win the race — and does it even matter?
Exchange Officials Field Readiness Queries
With one week left before Covered California launches, legislators convened to discuss the health benefit exchange’s readiness for open enrollment.
Changes on Horizon for California Safety Net’s Care of Undocumented, Indigent
Community clinics and public hospitals in California remain the primary health care option for millions of undocumented immigrants who are ineligible for health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Safety-net facilities’ strategies for remaining solvent are changing under health care reform.