Zika Outbreak, New Regulations Deliver Blow To Already Strained Blood Supply
Travel restrictions put in place because of the virus are having a "significant" impact on the blood supply. On top of that, there's a new FDA rule on the minimum acceptable hemoglobin level for male blood and platelet donors, which had one hospital turning away 8 percent of potential donors.
Blood Banks' New Summer Challenges: Zika, Donor Iron Levels
The summer has always been tough for blood banks: High schools and colleges, which often hold blood drives, are out of session, and regular donors go on vacation. But this year, a couple of new factors are aggravating the shortage: the Zika outbreak and new donor rules for hemoglobin levels. In February, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended that people defer giving blood for four weeks after traveling to areas where Zika virus is transmitted. (Plevin, 7/6)