Who Are The People Who Have Died In Hep A Outbreak?
San Diego County has released information on those who have died because of the outbreak.
The San Diego Union-Tribune:
County Releases Information On Age, Gender Of Hepatitis A Deaths
Sixteen of the 19 people whose deaths have been attributed to San Diego County’s ongoing hepatitis A outbreak were men, 13 were homeless and four were illicit drug users, according to information the county released on Tuesday. The details were provided to The San Diego Union-Tribune in summary form after weeks during which officials declined to disclose documents containing the information.U-T Watchdog researched the law on release of information regarding a public health outbreak and found at least one county — Santa Cruz — let the public know basic data about its one hepatitis death. (Cook, 10/24)
In other news from across the state —
The Mercury News:
Drug Take-Back Event Slated For South Bay
In an effort to keep expired or unused prescription medications out of the wrong hands, police and fire departments throughout the South Bay are set to join forces with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency this weekend to take back the drugs. (Green, 10/25)
Number Of Extreme Heat Days Climbs Placing Young, Elderly At Risk
A new report says climbing temperatures are taking their toll on public health. ...The Center for Public Health determined communities need to take steps to protect people vulnerable to extreme heat. (Anderson, 10/24)
23ABC News:
Bakersfield City School District To Now Offer STD Testing For Students
The Bakersfield City School District is expanding the health services they offer students by offering testing for sexually transmitted diseases. BCSD held a board meeting Tuesday night to vote on the decision and it was approved. The three wellness centers at BCSD offer medical, mental health and and dental services to its families, and will now offer STD testing. Kern County Public Health considers STD rates in the county to be a public health crisis, and the district wants to do its part. (Tarangioli, 10/24)