Calif. Department of Human Resources Launches Benefits Calculator
The California Department of Human Resources has launched a new benefits calculator to help state workers compare their out-of-pocket costs for various health plans, the Sacramento Bee's "The State Worker," reports (Ortiz, "The State Worker," Sacramento Bee, 8/18).
The calculator allows employees to determine their out-of-pocket premium contributions for health, dental and vision insurance (DHR release, 8/17).
With the calculator, state employees can choose whether they want to view costs for the 2015 or 2016 calendar year and then enter:
- Their bargaining unit or excluded status;
- The number of dependents who will be insured; and
- Which plans should be calculated.
The calculator allows workers to see side-by-side comparisons of two health plans at a time.
It does not calculate benefit costs for:
- California State University employees;
- State retirees; or
- Non-state government workers ("The State Worker," Sacramento Bee, 8/18).