Cardiologists Drop Out of San Jose Medical Group, Citing Low Reimbursement Rates
Northern California Cardiology Medical Associates -- one of Santa Clara County's largest cardiology groups -- has terminated its contract with San Jose Medical Group, claiming its physicians could not continue to work under the current reimbursement rates, the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal reports. "[San Jose Medical Group is] paying 25% below Medicare rates and we want to be paid Medicare rates," Dr. Norm Lowenbrawn, the cardiologists' spokesperson, said. Dr. Shahe Komshian, CEO of San Jose Medical Group, said any pay raise for the cardiologists would need to come from elsewhere in the group's budget. He said, "We just can't go to the HMOs and say we want more money so we can give it to these cardiologists." The Business Journal reports that the medical group, which has a staff of 130 physicians, is "scrambling" to find cardiologists for its 1,200 patients (May, Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal, 2/5).
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