Going Beyond Talking Points On Uninsured: Repeal Will Affect Employer-Sponsored Care, Too
The Affordable Care Act mandates certain consumer protections — such as banning lifetime coverage caps — that affect all people with insurance, not just those on the exchanges, and could be stripped if Republicans dismantle the law.
Los Angeles Times:
If You Have Employer-Provided Health Insurance, An Obamacare Repeal Would Affect You Too
One of the first things Tracy Trovato did — once she overcame the shock of learning her 42-year-old, marathon-training husband had leukemia — was look through their health insurance documents.She dug up one paper that said the plan would pay no more than $1 million for medical services in a lifetime. The Chicago woman and her husband, Carlo, called their insurance company in a panic. (Schencker, 12/19)
In other news —
The Bakersfield Californian:
Coalition To Protest McCarthy's Stance On ACA
A rally protesting Rep. Kevin McCarthy's stated intent to work toward repeal of the Affordable Care Act will take place at 10 a.m. Tuesday outside his Bakersfield district office. Activists cited the House majority leader's support of an ACA repeal with no replacement plan, despite the fact that counties represented by McCarthy have California’s largest Medi-Cal populations and therefore stand to lose the most under any Donald Trump/GOP plan that may be brought forward. Organizers say McCarthy can expect to see more than 100 constituents who stand to lose health coverage outside his Bakersfield office. They say repeal of the ACA would strip 30 million Americans of health care coverage. (12/19)