Grant Will Fund Development of Mobile Mammography Service for Underserved Populations
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation of the Sacramento Valley has awarded a $1.5 million grant to St. Joseph's Medical Center in Stockton to build a mobile digital mammography system that will serve a 17-county area, the Stockton Record reports.
The mammography system will be installed in a van that will provide mammograms to underserved residents in the northern Central Valley and Sierra Nevada regions. The mammograms will be transmitted to Delta Radiology Group in Stockton to be read.
Donna Sanderson, executive director of the foundation, said the van will provide service to men and women who have no regular access to health care because of transportation issues, inadequate child care or language and cultural barriers. The service is expected to begin in early 2006 (Fujii, Stockton Record, 3/31).