Health Care Reform
The May/June issue of Health Affairs included a series of commentaries addressing the politics of health care reform. The perspectives include discussion on the Healthy Americans Act by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Bob Bennett (R-Utah), whether the U.S. is in the midst of historic health care reform, as well as the failure of the Clinton administration's attempt at reform. Headlines and links are provided below.
- "Finally, Fixing Health Care: What's Different Now?" (Wyden/Bennett, Health Affairs, May/June 2008).
- "Health Care in the 2008 Election: Engaging the Voters," (Lake et al., Health Affairs, May/June 2008).
- "Déjà Vu All Over Again: the Similarities Between Political Debates Regarding Health Care in the Early 1990s and Today" (McInturff/Weigel, Health Affairs, May/June 2008).
- "Lessons From the Clinton Plan: Incremental Market Reform, Not Sweeping Government Control," (Antos, Health Affairs, May/June 2008).
- "The Long Road to Health Reform Requires Bipartisan Leadership" (Ferguson et al., Health Affairs, May/June 2008).
- "Putting Politics First" (Hacker, Health Affairs, May/June 2008).