HOSPITAL FUNDING: New Ads Urge Lawmakers to Restore Cuts
The Coalition to Protect American's Health Care, a newly formed activist group, last month launched a $1.6 million nationwide television, radio and print ad campaign urging Congress and the White House to restore hospital funding that was cut in the Balanced Budget Act. Running on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, the television ad features registered nurse Claire Panke. Panke states: "Congress and the White House cut funding to hospitals to help balance the federal budget. Unfortunately, the cuts went much deeper than they thought." Noting that "[m]ore than one-third of hospitals are losing money," the ad announcer warns that some hospitals "may eliminate vital medical services; some are even closing" because of the cuts. Panke continues: "Now America has a huge dollar budget surplus, but our hospital cuts continue, and it hurts my patients' care." The ad urges viewers to "[t]ell Washington to restore funding to our hospitals." Similar to the television spot, the radio ad also features Panke explaining the plight of hospitals. The ad announcer states: "A bipartisan commission found that over one-third of American hospitals are losing money. Neo-natal intensive care, rehab programs, in-home care, poison control centers, burn units and other urgently needed medical services may be eliminated at many American hospitals." The ad concludes: "Call Congress and the White House. Tell them to restore funding to our hospitals." The ad campaign will run through the end of the Republican National Convention and air again during the Democratic National Convention, which starts Aug. 14 (National Journal Group, 8/1). To view the television ad, go to To listen to the radio ad, go to Note: You will need RealPlayer G2 to access the ads.
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