KAISER PERMANENTE: Offers Low-Cost Coverage For Uninsured Children
Kaiser Permanente announced yesterday the launch of its Kaiser Cares for Kids Health Plan, a program that offers low-cost health insurance for children "who fall between the cracks of public programs and private coverage." The Sacramento Bee reports that 2,600 Sacramento-area children are enrolled, and Kaiser aims to extend enrollment to an additional 7,500 Sacramento children over the next two years. The Bee reports that Kaiser's $100 million initiative will offset the cost of eligible families' health care services as they will be asked to pay no more than $35 per month per child -- "less than half of Kaiser's normal rates." Sara Krevans, Kaiser's senior vice president for Sacramento Valley, explained that by targeting children from families earning slightly more than the Healthy Families cut-off of 200% of the poverty level, the Kaiser program "targets families in which one or both parents work but cannot get affordable health insurance through their employers." Kaiser will direct children eligible for Medi-Cal and Healthy Families to those programs. Kaiser representatives will spur enrollment through outreach efforts at area schools and through Sacramento Mayor Joe Serna Jr.'s (D) new children's health commission. Applications for the program can be obtained by calling 800-464-4000 or 800-255- 5053 (Griffith, 12/15).
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