MGMA: Evaluates Salaries, Benefits Of Group Practices
Nurses, radiology technologists and administrative assistants are the three highest-compensated staff positions in California group practices, according to a Medical Group Management Association report. The "California Medical Practice Employee Salary Survey" looked at California group practice employees' starting salary, average compensation and fringe benefits. Dawn Klinkel, project manager of the report, said California group practices "can use [the] national data for comparative salary information." She noted, however, "employers need to consider local market factors when hiring clerical, nursing and technical staff. Also, it's important to recognize that salaries differ regionally within a state." Karen Sollar, president of the California MGMA, found no compensation surprises in the report but said the state's competitive managed care market has re-defined and increased employees' responsibilities. "Because of managed care, revenue for group practices is decreasing and (sometimes) it's no longer affordable to fill all vacant positions," she said, adding, "But how do you incenticize an employee who's been here a long time? One way is to offer a better benefit package." Regarding fringe benefits, the survey found that 97% of respondents offer medical insurance to their employees. And of that group, almost three-fourths pay 100% of the insurance, but less than 10% fully pay for dependents' insurance. Sollar said, "Many employers are enhancing the benefit package to offset lower compensation. ... Overall, out-of-pocket expenses are being minimized." For more information about the report, call Klinkel at 888-608-5601 or go to MGMA's Web site at (release, 11/13).
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