New Data Show Diabetes Epidemic Continues To Grow
On Tuesday, officials at the International Diabetes Federation issued a warning about a growing global diabetes epidemic, noting that a "staggering" 366 million people now have the disease. During a meeting in Portugal, experts estimated that diabetes causes 4.6 million deaths each year and that health systems spend $465 billion annually to treat the disease. IDF urged global health officials during a United Nations summit in New York next week to identify specific prevention efforts and to invest in more research.
- "Diabetes 'Massive Challenge' as Cases Hit 366 Million" (Hirschler, Reuters, 9/14).
- "366 Million People Now Have Diabetes: Report" (Health Day, 9/13).
- "Experts: 366 Million People Now Have Diabetes" (Cheng, AP/San Francisco Chronicle, 9/13).