New Pro-Obamacare Ads Target California Lawmakers Who Were Vague On Repeal Vote
The Alliance for Healthcare Security says the ads are not laying political groundwork for 2018 elections.
The Bakersfield Californian:
Health Care Group Targets Valadao With Ads
The Alliance for Healthcare Security has launched a round of television ads in the 21st Congressional District pressuring Rep. David Valadao, R-Hanford, to vote against any repeal of Obamacare.The coalition of unions, medical groups and partnerships is asking people to “Tell Congressman Valadao — don’t repeal our healthcare.”“The ads are running in nine districts of members that were either vague or did not take a position on Republican efforts to repeal healthcare," Alliance spokesman Brendan Kiviat wrote in an email. "It is critical that their constituents know what's at stake in their community, and how their member of Congress plans to vote should the latest proposal come to the floor." (Burger, 4/24)