New York Coalition Asks Lawmakers for Hospital Report Cards, More Information on Physicians
A coalition of more than 25 civic, consumer and other advocacy groups asked New York officials this week to create "report cards" for every hospital in the state, including information on the physicians who perform procedures there, the Associated Press reports. New York already maintains the most comprehensive physician profiling Web site in the nation, according to John Signor, a spokesman for the state health department. Still, coalition members said in a letter to Gov. George Pataki (R) and state legislators dated Wednesday that additional information is needed to help consumers make better decisions about where to receive health care treatment. The coalition wants the hospital profiles to include information about physicians' procedure volumes so that consumers can identify the most experienced surgeons for a given procedure. It also wants the profiles to include information such as cardiac procedure outcomes, the number of intensive care unit physicians on staff, and the findings of any state investigations. New York health officials said the state is in the process of developing hospital report cards (Melia, Associated Press, 3/27).
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