Nurses Release Film on Conflicts With Schwarzenegger
The California Nurses Association has commissioned a short film, titled "Nurses vs. Arnold: Terminating Political Corruption," that the union intends to use to "create grassroots buzz around Proposition 89," a measure on the November ballot that would increase the corporate tax by 0.2% to finance political campaigns, the Oakland Tribune reports.
The film, which premiered in Sacramento and Los Angeles on Thursday, "outlines the union's successful battles against" Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), including reinstatement of the state's nurse-to-patient ratios and the rejection of ballot measures the governor supported during the 2005 special election, according to the Tribune.
CNA spokesperson Liz Jacobs said the movie is "designed to be used as an organizing tool to get people motivated, especially nurses" (Richman, Oakland Tribune, 8/25).