Orange County Sees Another Case Of Hep A Linked To San Diego Breakout
It's unclear how the individual, who was not homeless, contracted the virus because the person was not known to have traveled to San Diego.
Orange County Register:
Health Officials Report Second Case Of San Diego-Related Hepatitis A In Orange County
The Orange County Health Care Agency said Tuesday, Sept. 26, that a second person here has been diagnosed with a case of hepatitis A that is related to the outbreak in San Diego, where 16 people have died from the contagious disease and more than 400 have been infected. The unidentified individual was diagnosed Aug. 19, said Julie A. MacDonald, health communications manager for the health care agency. (Walker, 9/26)
Police Clear Homeless Encampments From San Diego's East Village
Homeless people told KPBS their tents used to be tolerated from 9 at night to 6 in the morning, but now they have been told they can never set up their tents. San Diego Police Lt. Scott Wahl said the increased enforcement was focused on education, vaccination and sanitation as part of the city's battle against the Hepatitis A outbreak, which has now killed 17 people. (Murphy, 9/26)
The San Diego Union-Tribune:
Hepatitis Deaths Grow By One As Cases Continue To Rise
The death toll in San Diego’s hepatitis A outbreak increased by one Tuesday, and the region’s top public health official said she has not seen any signs yet of a slowdown in the public health emergency that has now killed 17 people. Dr. Wilma Wooten said there are currently 49 suspected hepatitis cases and one death still under investigation. That number sat at 44 one week ago and has bounced around from roughly 30 to 50 cases under investigation at any given time for several months, public health officials have said. (Sisson, 9/26)