PhRMA CEO Holmer Refutes Former NEJM Editor’s Assertions About Pharmaceutical Industry
There were "many inaccuracies" about the pharmaceutical industry put forth by Marcia Angell, former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, in her recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America CEO Alan Holmer states in a Times letter to the editor (Holmer, Los Angeles Times, 8/16). In an Aug. 9 interview with the Times, Angell discussed her views on prescription drug pricing and her assertion that many drugs are not as effective as pharmaceutical companies contend in their marketing materials (California Healthline, 8/9).
According to Holmer, "not everyone reacts to any given medicine the same way," but Angell "believes that one drug to treat a problem is good enough and that developing more than one medicine in a 'treatment class' is a waste of precious research and money." Holmer continues, "Angell's one-size-fits-all approach is dangerous and fails patients," adding, "All Americans should have access to the best, most innovative medicines we can invent" (Los Angeles Times, 8/16).