Santa Rosa Press-Democrat Looks at Residential Programs Targeting Latinos with Substance Abuse Problems
The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat in separate articles on Monday profiled two Sonoma County residential recovery programs aimed at Latino immigrants with substance abuse and related problems. The programs are operated by the Latino Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse and funded by state, county and foundation money.
- Casa Calmecac: This three-month residential program for men with substance abuse problems has an operating budget of $300,000 a year. According to follow-up studies, 70% of participants remain sober three months after they leave the program (Swartz, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 4/22).
- Casa Teresa: This four-month residential program for Latina women with substance abuse problems and their children will likely begin in the fall. The program will be similar to Casa Calmecac but has a greater emphasis on parenting skills, mental health and "lessons in self-sufficiency." Casa Teresa will be funded by about $764,000 from the California Endowment and will include six beds for women and 10 beds for children (Swartz, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 4/22).