So You’ve Had Your Genes Tested. Now What?
One company wants to help its customers use the data they receive from testing their genes in more productive ways, such as selling it to researchers or sharing it with their doctors.
A Complete Genetic Profile For You And Your Doctor, And Science
Over the years, a handful of direct-to-consumer genetic testing kits have come on the market. You take a swab, run it inside your check, send it to to a company, and they send back a breakdown of your genes. But once you have your genes on paper, what do you do next? One new company, Genos, is producing a more detailed profile for customers and they're giving them the ability to forward on their genetic information in the interest of science and research. (Paskin and Martínez, 12/19)
In other public health news —
Capital Public Radio/KXJZ:
Another Increase In Sacramento Homeless Deaths
A review of Sacramento County Coroner reports from 2015 found an increase in homeless deaths for the third year in a row. The annual report from the Sacramento Regional Coalition To End Homelessness says there were 78 coroners reports on homeless people in 2015 compared to a total of 71 in 2014 and 60 in 2013. (Moffitt, 12/19)
Sacramento Bee:
California Population Hits 39.4 Million, Birth Rate Falls
California’s birth rate has fallen to the lowest levels in modern state history, according to new Department of Finance estimates, which peg the state population at 39.4 million after growing by 295,000 from July 1, 2015 to July 1, 2016. (Miller, 12/19)