THE UNDERINSURED: Clinic Offers Low-Cost Care
Aiming to expand health care options for underinsured California residents, the Community Health Center of the Central Coast recently opened a new clinic in Morro Bay, the Tacoma News Tribune reports. Business has been slow since the office opened April 1, but clinic officials hope that an open house last week will spread the word about the clinic. Ron Castle, CHC chief executive, said, "CHC centers are medical homes for people who don't have one. ... We want the community to use this service." CHC operates nine health centers in San Luis Obispo County and one in Santa Maria, all specializing in bringing care to uninsured and underinsured working people. As recipients of state and federal grants, the centers offer flexible payment plans for their patients. Patients can either make appointments or just walk into the clinics, which are equipped to handle minor emergencies and basic needs. Castle said, "It's the people falling between the cracks that we focus on." As the new clinic's business grows, CHC will add specialty programs for low- income seniors, as well as immunization programs for children and the elderly, preventive care and well-baby checkups (Farrell, 6/19).
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