Thompson Expects Action on Uninsured, Despite Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks
HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson said that despite Congress' "preoccupation" with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, lawmakers may address a number of health care initiatives, including legislation to help the uninsured, before the end of the year, CongressDaily reports. Speaking yesterday at a meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers, Thompson said that his "wish list" of health care legislation includes Medicare contractor reform, increased reimbursements for rural health care, Medicare+Choice reform and a Medicare prescription drug benefit. Although he said that some health care issues may "slip," he added, "It looks encouraging." He said that lawmakers may address the problem of the uninsured "fairly soon" through bills that would expand access for laid-off employees to their former employers' health insurance plans and expand Medicaid as a result of the attacks (CongressDaily, 9/27).