Tobacco Industry Outspending Cigarette-Tax Initiative Supporters By 2-to-1
“Imagine two messages side by side -- one blaring from a gigantic movie screen and on the other side from a small cell phone. For voters, that amplification is going to make a difference," says Daniel G. Newman, president of MapLight.
Big Tobacco Pours Millions Into California Cigarette Tax Fight
Reynolds American Inc., Altria Group Inc. and other tobacco companies are steering millions of dollars to defeating a $2 cigarette-tax increase in California, a high-stakes effort and the third such fight in a decade in the most populous U.S. state. The tobacco industry’s outlay of $35.6 million so far means that it has outspent supporters 2-to-1 in donations to defeat the measure, which starting in April would boost the levy to $2.87 a pack. The initiative would generate from $1 billion to $1.4 billion in revenue in fiscal 2018 for cancer treatment and smoking prevention. (Vekshin, 9/9)