Latest California Healthline Stories
Estados buscan frenar el vapeo adolescente con un clásico: más impuestos
El debate llega cuando los estados enfrentan el aumento del consumo adolescente. Casi el 28% de los estudiantes de secundaria reportaron haber vapeado en 2019.
In Campaign To Stop Teen Vaping, States Turn To Tried-And-True Remedy: Taxes
Historically, taxation has been an effective tool in reducing the number of people who smoke. So 20 states and the District of Columbia have begun implementing taxes on vaping products as they seek to stop young people from getting addicted.
Books, Binders, Bleed-Control Kits: How School Shootings Are Changing Classroom Basics
School districts around the country now require bleeding-control kits and training at their public schools in this era of mass shootings. Staffers used the kits in the recent high school shooting in Santa Clarita, Calif., even though there is no statewide mandate for them in California.
Black Mothers Get Less Treatment For Postpartum Depression Than Other Moms
Cultural barriers may keep some African American women from seeking treatment for postpartum depression as early as they need it, and the standard screening tools aren’t always relevant for some black women.
KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: How’s That Open Enrollment Going?
Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace plans is halfway over and, so far, the number of people signing up is down, but not dramatically. Meanwhile, Congress and President Donald Trump can’t seem to agree on what to do about teen vaping, drug prices or “surprise” medical bills. And Democrats lurch to the left on abortion. Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post, Kimberly Leonard of the Washington Examiner and Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss this and more health news.
Nothing To Sneeze At: The $2,659 Bill To Pluck Doll’s Shoe From Child’s Nostril
A 3-year-old girl put matching doll shoes up her nose. One came out easily. The second required an emergency department visit ― and generated a bill that is not child’s play.
California’s Working Mothers Get Stronger Support For Workplace Lactation
A new state law that takes effect Jan. 1 requires employers to provide spaces where women can pump their breast milk comfortably and privately, with access to electricity, running water and refrigeration.
Readers React: UVA Doctors Outraged Over Their Own Health System’s Billing Practices
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Para bebés con problemas de audición, nuevas pruebas abren un mundo de sonidos
Al 98% de los bebés en el país se les hace la prueba de audición en los primeros días después del nacimiento. Los que necesitan ayuda son referidos de un inmediato a un especialista.