Latest California Healthline Stories
‘Invincible’ Teen Vapers Face Fears, Ask For Help
Starting to vape is easy, but quitting a nicotine habit can be tough, teens are finding. Some vaping cessation programs have begun to reach out to teens where they live — on their phones.
A medida que evolucionan los dispositivos para vapear, aparecen nuevos peligros
Investigadores encuentran más evidencia de que la forma en que los dispositivos de vapeo y los líquidos electrónicos interactúan podría dañar a los consumidores.
As Vaping Devices Evolve, New Potential Hazards Scrutinized
The technology for vaping has changed over the years, and researchers are finding more evidence that the way vaping devices and e-liquids interact could harm consumers.
Para la “Generación Juul”, la adicción se presenta rápido y es difícil de superar
El uso de cigarrillos electrónicos entre adolescentes se ha duplicado desde 2017, según el Instituto Nacional sobre el Abuso de Drogas.
For Generation Juul, Nicotine Addiction Happens Fast And Is Hard To Shake
One in 4 high school seniors report vaping in the previous month. Teens talk about how quickly vaping became ingrained in teen culture and how hard it is to quit vaping nicotine.
Vape District en Los Angeles, una puerta de entrada al mercado negro
Una sección de cinco cuadras del centro de Los Ángeles que solía ser parte del Toy District se ha convertido en la zona cero del país para el comercio de cannabis falsificado.
Los Angeles Vape District A Black-Market Gateway
A seedy section of downtown Los Angeles has become the go-to place for those who trade in wholesale — and sometimes counterfeit — vaping products. As more people fall ill with a mysterious lung disease linked to e-cigarette use, the manufacture and distribution of vaping products face increased scrutiny.
Aumentan las líneas de ayuda para dejar de vapear
Funcionarios de salud están investigando 1.299 casos en 49 estados y el Distrito de Columbia, incluyendo al menos 26 muertes, de enfermedad pulmonar vinculada al vapeo.
‘We Vape, We Vote’: How Vaping Crackdowns Are Politicizing Vapers
In response to the crackdowns on vaping, those who use or sell the e-cigarette products are mobilizing. Touting the “We Vape, We Vote” slogan, this burgeoning movement is positioning itself to be a factor in 2020 elections.
As Vaping Illnesses Rise, So Do Pleas To Quit-Smoking Help Lines
Tobacco-cessation help lines — traditionally aimed at cigarette smokers — are receiving a surge in calls from people who use vapes and want to quit.