Latest California Healthline Stories
Long-Term Care Is An Immediate Problem — For The Government
Medi-Cal has become the payer of first resort for many Californians unable to afford the long-term care they need.
Planear por adelantado para cuidados al final de la vida
Un nuevo beneficio de salud disponible para millones de californianos anima a las personas a discutir opciones con los doctores para cuidados al final de la vida.
Advance Planning For Your End-Of-Life Care
A new health benefit available to millions of Californians encourages people to discuss end-of-life care options with their doctors.
State Makes Changes To Managed Care Program For Elderly, Disabled
In a shift of policy, California will no longer push low-income Californians who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid into managed care.
Hospital Discharge: It’s One Of The Most Dangerous Periods For Patients
Bad coordination and communication can put patients at risk as they’re discharged from a hospital.
Medicare Delays Plans For New Star Ratings On Hospitals After Congressional Pressure
The “overall hospital quality” rating is designed to help consumers who are sometimes confused by the variety of quality measures that the government already provides. But members of Congress had asked for the delay because of concerns that the methodology for the stars was not accurate.
Most Doctors Unsure How to Discuss End-of-Life Care, Survey Says
They recognize the responsibility, but some may need training.
Long-Term Care Insurance: Less Bang, More Buck
Seniors slammed with big premium increases face tough choices.
How Will We Pay For Long-Term Care?
As baby boomers grow old, demand for long-term care is expected to explode. But it is expensive, and the patchwork system that pays for it now won’t be sustainable for much longer. A debate about new ways to finance it is heating up.
UCLA Freshmen Learn About Growing Old
A UCLA course on aging teaches students about the physical, emotional and financial realities of growing old. Professors hope they will consider careers that serve the elderly.