Latest California Healthline Stories
Photographer’s 12-Year Quest to Document Her Life Produces a Rich Portrait of Aging
Twelve years ago, Marna Clarke was seized by a desire to examine what she looked like at age 70 — and to document the results. This creative project has sustained and engaged her since.
Addiction Experts Fear the Fallout if California Legalizes Sports Betting
If California voters approve one or both sports-wagering initiatives on the November ballot, psychiatrists anticipate more cases of problem gambling and gambling addiction. They’re especially concerned about online betting, a very addictive way to play.
Environmental Justice Leader Says Proposition 30 Would Help Struggling Areas Clear the Air
Ana Gonzalez, who leads an environmental justice group in the Inland Empire, has endorsed Proposition 30, a ballot initiative backed by the ride-hailing company Lyft that would tax millionaires to fund zero-emission vehicle subsidies and electric charging stations. She contends most state policies overlook marginalized communities that are disproportionately affected by air pollution.
Líder de justicia ambiental dice que la Proposición 30 ayudaría a limpiar el aire en zonas en riesgo
Ana González creció viendo cómo Inland Empire se transformaba de plantaciones de cítricos y viñedos en almacenes y centros de distribución minorista. Ahora es una zona en alto riesgo ambiental.
Health Plan Shake-Up Could Disrupt Coverage for Low-Income Californians
Four managed-care insurance plans may lose contracts with California’s Medicaid program, which would force nearly 2 million low-income residents to switch their health plans — and possibly their doctors. The plans are fighting back.
Shift in Child Hospice Care Is a Lifeline for Parents Seeking a Measure of Comfort and Hope
Terminally ill children, unlike adults, can get hospice services while continuing to receive life-extending or curative care. More than a decade after the inception of the federal policy, it is widely credited with improving the quality of life for ailing children and their families, even as some parents find themselves in a painful stasis.
Opponents of California’s Abortion Rights Measure Mislead on Expense to Taxpayers
California Together, which opposes Proposition 1, warns that taxpayers will pay millions more if the abortion rights constitutional amendment passes because it would attract women from out of state. We take a closer look.
Journalists Look Into Wildfire Trauma and the South’s Monkeypox Response
KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
Experts Question the Role of White Mulberry in the Death of Congressman’s Wife
The Sacramento County coroner concluded that Lori McClintock, the wife of U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock, died of dehydration after ingesting white mulberry leaf. But some scientists, doctors, and pathologists are questioning that ruling, and are urging the coroner’s office, which hasn’t explained its reasoning, to reopen the case.
Expertos cuestionan el rol de la morera blanca en la muerte de la esposa del congresista
Es una planta que se ha utilizado como remedio herbal durante siglos, y que el botánico consultor del forense llamó “no tóxica” en una carta a su oficina.