Latest California Healthline Stories
‘An Arm and a Leg’: David vs. Goliath: How to Beat a Big Hospital in Small Claims Court
In a classic — and hilarious — David vs. Goliath story, Jeffrey Fox takes on a huge hospital over an outrageous bill, and wins.
App-Based Companies Pushing Prop. 22 Say Drivers Will Get Health Benefits. Will They?
Ride-sharing and delivery services such as Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and Instacart are bankrolling California’s Proposition 22, which would keep their drivers classified as independent contractors, not employees. But health benefits? That’s something of a stretch.
If Trump Wins, Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting for That ACA Replacement Plan
The administration seeks to have the Supreme Court overturn the federal health law but has not explained how it would ensure Americans’ health care coverage.
‘An Arm and a Leg’: Vetting TikTok Mom’s Advice for Dealing With Debt Collectors
We first learned about Shaunna Burns when her tips on medical bills went viral. In part two of our conversation with the so-called TikTok mom, we’re back for guidance about dealing with debt collectors. Then we fact-checked her advice with a legal expert, who said: Most of Burns’ advice totally checks out.
Job-Based Health Insurance Costs Are Up 4% This Year, 55% in Past Decade
A family plan costs, on average, more than $21,000 this year and workers pay nearly $5,600 toward that cost, the annual KFF survey of employers finds.
Refuge in the Storm? ACA’s Role as Safety Net Is Tested by COVID Recession
Relentlessly knocked around by politics and now headed again to the Supreme Court, the ACA is covering millions who have lost their jobs during the pandemic. But not everyone.
Comienzan a popularizarse las pruebas de saliva para COVID, que son fáciles de usar
Ocho meses después del inicio de la pandemia, la prueba de saliva gana adeptos y decenas de miles de personas en todo el país se someten a estas pruebas diariamente.
‘An Arm and a Leg’: TikTok Mom Takes On Medical Bills
Shaunna Burns went viral on TikTok, partly because of a series of videos dishing out real-talk advice on fighting outrageous medical bills.
Easier-to-Use Coronavirus Saliva Tests Start to Catch On
Regulators and scientists have been leery of introducing the tests, preferring to rely on tried-and-true methods, but evidence is mounting that the spit and swab tests may be more convenient and just as accurate.
Old Drug Turned ‘Cash Cow’ as Company Pumped Price to $40K a Vial, Emails Show
The CEO of Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals defended the price hikes of Acthar gel, an orphan drug that treats infantile spasms at a House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday.