Latest California Healthline Stories
California Voters Will Have Their Say On Drug Prices
Heated battle expected over November ballot proposal to curb state’s prescription drug costs, as pharmaceutical industry opens its pocketbook to defeat the measure.
Debating The New Ballot Measure To Control Prescription Drug Prices
The California Drug Price Relief Act would mandate that the state pay no more for prescription drugs than the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. David Gorn sat down with Rand Martin, Sacramento lobbyist for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which is sponsoring the ballot measure, and Kathy Fairbanks, campaign consultant for the committee opposing it.
Federal Report: Children In Medi-Cal Getting Inadequate Dental Care
A federal report released yesterday says 29 percent of California kids in Medi-Cal did not receive any dental care in the past year and 78 percent did not receive all required dental services.
What Does The Future Hold For Medi-Cal?
What will Medi-Cal look like 50 years from now? We asked health officials, policy experts and consumer advocates to predict what might happen to California’s program as Medicaid embarks on its second half century.
Slipping Between Medicaid And Marketplace Coverage Can Leave Consumers Confused
KHN’s consumer columnist answers questions about how people can handle moving between the government health plan for low-income residents and the private plans offered on the federal health law’s exchanges.
El sitio Infórmate ofrece recursos e información para ayudar a erradicar mitos culturales que hacen que los latinos no se conviertan en donantes vivos de riñón.
Agreement may be near for replacing California’s $1.1 billion managed care organization tax, which now looks nothing like it did when it was first proposed.
Telenovelas, Spanish Website Seek To Inform Hispanics About Kidney Donations
The website Infórmate offers resources and information to help dispel cultural myths that may keep Latinos from becoming live kidney donors.
Last-Minute Deal May Resolve Dispute Over Managed Care Tax In California
The proposed compromise would avert $1 billion in budget cuts but still must be approved by a two-thirds majority in the legislature.
Will New Medi-Cal Number Top 13 Million?
Gov. Brown’s budget proposal today will probably include a new updated number of Californians in the state’s Medicaid program. The total is expected to top 13 million for the first time.