Latest California Healthline Stories
Facebook Live: The Prescription Drug Pricing Pipeline
In this Facebook Live, KHN’s Julie Appleby talks with Stephanie Stapleton and answers readers’ questions about the prescription drug pricing pipeline and the industry stakeholders who have a role in what you pay.
Polémica por ensayo de una vacuna contra el herpes en el extranjero
El ensayo clínico de una vacuna contra el herpes común fuera de los Estados Unidos ha generado una controversia médica y una investigación gubernamental.
Offshore Human Testing Of Herpes Vaccine Stokes Debate Over U.S. Safety Rules
Prominent businessmen and an American university supported offshore testing of an experimental vaccine.
Nueva droga contra la leucemia ofrece esperanza, pero a un costo millonario
El tratamiento con una nueva droga del laboratorio Novartis para casos en los que ha fracasado la quimioterapia o el trasplante de médula costaría $649,000.
‘Breakthrough’ Leukemia Drug Also Portends ‘Quantum Leap’ In Cost
A genetically altered cancer drug, based on CAR T-cell therapies, could be a big success with leukemia patients but at a staggering cost.
Dying At Home In An Opioid Crisis: Hospices Grapple With Stolen Meds
As more patients receive hospice care at home, some of the powerful, addictive drugs they’re prescribed are ending up in the wrong hands.
Hospitals Slashed Use Of Two Heart Drugs After Huge Price Hikes
Hospital use of two popular heart medicines, nitroprusside and isoproterenol, dramatically dropped after the prices for both soared.
Denial, Appeal, Approval … An Adult’s Thorny Path To Spinraza Coverage
The FDA granted approval for Spinraza in late December for use on children and adults with spinal muscular atrophy. Insurance coverage is mostly focused on infants and children.
Little-Known Middlemen Save Money On Medicines — But Maybe Not For You
Kaiser Health News examines the role of PBMs in the prescription drug-pricing pipeline.
Drug Puts A $750,000 ‘Price Tag On Life’
The high cost of Spinraza, a new and promising treatment for spinal muscular atrophy, highlights how the cost-benefit analysis insurers use to make drug coverage decisions plays out in human terms.