Latest California Healthline Stories
DIY Tech Gives People More Freedom In Managing Diabetes
People with diabetes say they’ve been waiting for years for better technology to manage their chronic condition. Tired of waiting, some tech-savvy, do-it-yourselfers are constructing their own devices using open-source programming instructions.
En Tijuana, madres migrantes esperan dos fechas límite: el parto y la corte
Más mujeres embarazadas deben vivir meses en refugios en la frontera, esperando por sus audiencias de asilo en EE.UU. Reciben poco o ninguna atención prenatal.
Migrant Moms Await Due Dates And Court Dates
A growing number of pregnant women are among the migrants seeking asylum in the United States. Many must wait in Mexico until their cases are heard, spending weeks or months in migrant shelters with limited access to health care.
Vaccine Drama On Display In California’s Capitol
Hundreds of protesters descended on the state Capitol on Thursday, warning against government tyranny and corporate greed. Their target: not taxes, not high-tech surveillance, but a bill that would determine which kids must get their routine shots.
Senators Agree Surprise Medical Bills Must Go. But How?
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee is scheduled next week to mark up a massive legislative package on curbing health costs, but some of the details remain unresolved, including what formula to use to pay doctors and hospitals involved in surprise medical bills.
House Hagglers Zero In On Single-Payer And It All Comes Down To Two Little Words
At Wednesday’s House Budget Committee, Congressional Budget Office experts outlined the complexities of implementing an overhaul of America’s health insurance system.
Drug Industry Patents Go Under Senate Judiciary Committee’s Microscope
During a hearing Tuesday, panel members focused on how drug companies have used patents to allegedly protect their competitive edge and profits.
A Big Hearing For ‘Medicare-For-All’ — In A Small Room
In an unusual move, the House Rules Committee, instead of one of the panels that typically oversee health policy, held the first House hearing in a decade about converting the U.S. to a government-financed health care system.
Destination Limbo: Health Suffers Among Asylum Seekers In Crowded Border Shelter
Asylum seekers from Mexico and Central America, housed in migrant shelters in the border city of Tijuana, Mexico, are often sick and exhausted from their long journeys. Volunteer health workers from Southern California recently sent a mobile clinic to one of those shelters and spent a day tending to its inhabitants.
Migrantes reciben atención médica en abarrotado refugio de Tijuana
Migrantes centroamericanos y Mexicanos en los albergues que se han improvisado en la ciudad fronteriza de Tijuana, son muchas veces enfermos y debilitados. Dependen de grupos civiles para recibir atención médica. Recientemente, un grupo de voluntarios de California llevó una clínica móvil a uno de los albergues fronterizos.