Latest California Healthline Stories
When Mental Illness Leads to Dropped Charges, Patients Often Go Without Stabilizing Care
When criminal suspects are deemed too mentally ill to go through the court process and their charges are dropped, they can be left without stabilizing treatment — and sometimes end up being charged with additional crimes.
In California, Abortion Could Become a Constitutional Right. So Could Birth Control.
Proposition 1, the constitutional amendment that would enshrine abortion in California’s constitution, would also lock in a right that has gotten less attention: the right to “choose or refuse” contraception.
A California Man’s ‘Painful and Terrifying’ Road to a Monkeypox Diagnosis
A Bay Area man described himself as “delirious” from the pain of a quickly spreading rash, but it took six telehealth appointments, one urgent care visit, and two emergency room trips before he was finally diagnosed and treated for monkeypox.
Las personas que pueden estar infectadas se enfrentan a callejones sin salida, retrasos, diagnósticos incorrectos y tratamientos inadecuados mientras navegan por un sistema de atención de salud poco preparado y mal informado.
Because of Texas Abortion Law, Her Wanted Pregnancy Became a Medical Nightmare
A Houston woman was 18 weeks pregnant when her water broke. That means her fetus had virtually no chance of survival, and she was at risk of an infection that could threaten her future fertility and even her life. Following Texas’ law, the hospital made her wait until she was showing signs of serious infection to terminate the pregnancy.
The Time Has Come for DIY Mandates on Covid
Yes, lots of us suffer from pandemic fatigue and have been getting sloppy about precautions in recent months. But with covid an ongoing menace — and governments reluctant to return to sweeping mandates — it’s time for all of us to step up our game.
Qué significa el caso de Nueva York para el fin de la polio
Para 2015, la polio se había erradicado casi por completo en todas partes excepto en Pakistán y Afganistán. Pero para 2020 se habían reportado casos en 34 países.
What the Polio Case in New York Tells Us About the End of Polio
The Rockland County case isn’t expected to cause a major outbreak, but it shows how even this rare disease can pop up in undervaccinated communities.
Citing a Mental Health Crisis Among Young People, California Lawmakers Target Social Media
Legislators are considering two bills that address online addiction among children by taking aim at website features such as push notifications and targeted posts. But Big Tech is fighting the effort, saying companies are already taking steps to protect children.
La línea de salud mental 988 se expande, pero no demasiado en las zonas rurales
La línea 988 de National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, que se lanzó el 16 de julio, fue diseñada como una herramienta universal de apoyo a la salud mental para quienes llaman en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar.