Conference Brings Conversion Therapy Debate To California
Medical and mental health organizations have spoken out vocally against the practice, and protesters are expected at the event.
The San Diego Union-Tribune:
Conference Promotes Controversial Efforts To 'Transform' Gays And Lesbians
A national conference set to start Friday in San Diego promotes the controversial idea that people can change from being gay to straight with enough prayer, counseling and soul-searching. The event, titled “Hope 2017,” is the latest flare-up in a long-running fight over whether being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer is a matter of lifestyle choice or innate biology. For decades, various religiously or socially conservative groups have used a range of behavior-modification techniques — from relationship coaching and wardrobe advice to visualization exercises and shock therapy — in their efforts to shape a person’s sexual orientation. (Sisson, 6/16)