Officials Confirm First West-Nile Positive Mosquitoes Of This Year
Most who are infected with West Nile virus don’t show any signs of illness, but could have some flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches.
The Desert Sun:
West Nile Virus Confirmed In Indian Wells
Officials found this year’s first West Nile Virus-positive mosquitoes in the Coachella Valley in Indian Wells and again found more there this week, according to the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. The most recent mosquitoes were found in a trap near Fairway Drive and Cook Street, where the first infected mosquitoes were also discovered a month ago. (7/13)
In other public health news —
Los Angeles Times:
Workers Claim Injuries All Over Their Bodies For Big Payouts — But Continue Their Active Lives
In fact, claims involving at least five injured body parts have become by far the most common in California, according to a Times data analysis of millions of workers’ compensation cases spanning nearly three decades. In the past, injuries to a single body part — a knee, a shoulder, the lower back — were the most prevalent, the data show. (Dolan, Menezes and Garcia-Roberts, 7/15)
Not Just An Apple A Day: California Doctors Start Prescribing Medically Tailored Meals
In California, doctors are prescribing food as medicine to treat low-income patients with congestive heart failure. The program delivers medically tailored meals to 1,000 patients in eight counties across the state. (Young, 7/13)