In the past nine months, more approved drugs have been yanked from the market than in the entire previous decade. What is behind the headlines on fenfluramine, Duract, Redux, and Posicor? Why is the Food and Drug Administration having so many second thoughts? In this week's Stryker's Corner, California Healthline's Jeff Stryker checks in with investigative journalist Stephen Fried. His book, Bitter Pills, begins with the story of how his wife took a single antibiotic tablet and ended up in an emergency room, suffering from side effects that persist six years later.
More On This New Column
Stryker's Corner is a regular Monday feature in California Healthline. Columnist Jeff Stryker takes readers behind the headlines, with in-depth articles, guest editorials and interviews with California newsmakers. Click here for more on Stryker and this new feature.
Editor's Note
The views represented in this column are those of the columnist or guest editorialist and not of California Healthline or the National Journal Group.