After Notable Drop Last Year, San Diego VA Gets Star Back In National Rankings
Jack Harkins, a member of the United Veterans Council in San Diego County, said news of the VA’s three-star rating last year made his phone ring and ring. After implementing a variety of improvements the clinic is back to four stars.
San Diego Union-Times:
San Diego VA Health System Regains Four-Star Rating
San Diego VA officials announced Thursday that their health system has regained its four-star rating — after dropping to three stars several months ago — based on performance from October 2015 through September of last year. This interim rating, out of a possible five stars, is being circulated internally in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It’s expected to be formally released to the public in the fall. But local VA leaders didn’t want to wait until then to share their progress. Media coverage in December revealed that the VA had a previously private star rating program for its regional health networks, and the San Diego VA Healthcare System was one of a handful in nationwide that had suffered a notable drop in performance year over year. (Sisson, 2/16)